Marlyn Katz Levenson

July 17,2000
Dear Bill,
I too thought of sending out a memo like yours about collecting Dick
anecdotes.  I am so very pleased that you are doing so.  I believe that you
should include your superb interview which captures much of Dick's neshuma
and gives his background as well.  I also think you should include some of
his Minyan Drashot.  I am especially fond of the two he gave on names (first
and last).
A week and a half ago, I telephoned Dick as I was wont to do from time to
time to ask for advice/wisdom.  I said that since he was my guru, I was
calling him for wisdom.  He said, "You know what Peter Druker said about
gurus."  "No," I replied.  He said, "Gurus are for people who can't spell
charlatan."  And then I asked him my question and he had as always, some
intelligent, creative suggestions.
FYI, but not necessarily to be included - relevant????  I told him that I
was interested in teaching a memoir writing course and asked him for
suggestions as to where I might teach such a course, other than in a
Brookline, Cambridge Adult Education program.
I know it is Baruch Dayan Emet, but I am so very very sad at his death.  I
keep thinking about him. "Dick Israel is dead" pops into my head all day
long, when I wake up during the night.
Marlyn Katz Levenson